Teachers of STEM – Celeste Haji-Ali
Celeste Haji-Ali is a proud First Nations Woman from the Kimberley. She comes from a family with broad experiences with Education in WA. In 2024, Celeste completed her Bachelor of Education (Primary) at the University of Notre Dame Australia and secured a teaching position in Broome for 2025.
Celeste was supported through the Teachers of STEM Initiative (ToSI) to complete her studies. She says that the networking and professional development provided through ToSI was empowering.
“the PDs were effective in supporting me, they expanded my knowledge, they linked IK with STEM really well. I found the financial support and networking (in person/face to face events) were excellent. I could discuss stuff, share ideas, worries, concerns with others doing what I was doing. Networking was empowering for my journey.”
Celeste is a very talented artist who uses her talents to reconnect with her heritage and make connections with the communities she works in. Celeste has a strong sense of Indigenous Knowledges as they relate to STEM in the mainstream, stating:
“Contrary to popular belief, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were not hunters and gatherers whose only survival tactic was foraging for food. Indigenous people had sophisticated agricultural techniques and knowledge which was passed through the generations, ensuring the survival of their people. Furthermore, over hundreds, if not thousands, of years Indigenous people observed the relationship between certain food sources and the seasons, fish, healing properties and many more. This use of data collecting, and conclusion drawing is common practice for all scientists, but is often overlooked within the classroom.”
We are looking forward to following Celeste’s journey into the teaching profession in Broome and wish her every success in the future, she certainly has what it takes to be a wonderful First Nations STEM teacher moving forward.
We still have places available in the Teachers of STEM Initiative for 2025. To find out more, visit our website or Contact Us for more details.