Talei Elu Photography © 2020

Traditionally, schools have thought of 'community engagement' as being directed and controlled by the school, inviting parents and community members into the school to support existing structures and programs and decisions that have already been made. The Stronger Smarter Approach™ focuses on genuine collaboration with communities and turns thinking towards a different and dynamic vision of community empowerment.

Indigenous parents, community members and Indigenous Education Workers have articulate and powerful voices, and are seeking to engage in substantive, informed dialogue about educational issues, school practices and operations, and teaching and learning. In a community empowerment model, the voices of parents and community are privileged in all aspects of education, starting with the decisions about what they see as a quality education and quality outcomes for their children. These are authentic partnerships where families are engaged in the whole process of conceptualisation, planning, enactment and evaluation - a shared two-way engagement.

Community engagement has to be grounded in strong local connections, as a school-wide intervention where schools and teachers learn more about the local people and culture, involving deep listening, to understand different perspectives, experiences, beliefs and aspirations.

The Stronger Smarter Institute has proudly partnered with a wide range of community groups and organisations to sustainably enact the Stronger Smarter Approach and transform the educational outcomes for Indigenous students.

Get in touch with us and find out how your community can begin their Stronger Smarter Journey

We are proud to continually work with the following community partners to transform educational outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students.
