Indigenous Knowledges in Mathematics Project

The Indigenous Knowledges (IK) in Mathematics project is a collaboration between Indigenous communities, the Stronger Smarter Institute and Education Services Australia. This project aims to create resources to guide teachers and other school staff in their understanding of how they can incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Histories and Cultures into the core curriculum of mathematics.
Resources being developed will include a Third Cultural Space Guide, posters, film and Teacher Background Information with a Mathematics Translation Guide. IK experts around Australia have been sharing their knowledges of mathematics on Country. SSI are building upon the shared knowledges to show teachers of mathematics how they can facilitate teaching and learning beginning with IK up-front. Through the co-creation of short film clips and posters of IK experts sharing stories of mathematics on Country, teachers will be enabled to view mathematics through a different cultural lens.
We appreciate the diverse connections to Country and knowledges from different communities. Accordingly, the materials which are being developed are not intended as teaching materials to be used across the country. They will become examples for educators to connect with their local community and co-design place based, contextualised resources for use in their own local schools.
The final products produced through this collaboration will be housed on the Mathematics Hub.