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Stronger Smarter Institute – Staff Publications

Bobongie, F. (2019)
Stronger Smarter Jarjums Program. Qld Catholic Indigenous Education Conference presentation, Townsville 2019.

Bobongie, F. & Ryan, C. (2019)
Challenging governance in the early years: Creating a third cultural space for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Jarjums. ECA National Conference 2019.

Bobongie, F. & Jackson, C. (2019)
Stronger Smarter – transformational change for Australian schools with rock-solid foundations in the Early Years. In Allan, J, Harwood, V., & Rubner Jorgensen, C. (Eds). World Yearbook of Education 2020: Schooling, Governance and Inequalities. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Ltd.

Bobongie, F. & Jackson, C. (2018)
Stronger Smarter Jarjums: High-Expectations Relationships in the Early Years. Pedagogy+ , 3, 42-44.’

Coopes, R. (2008)
The Australian Formal Reconciliation Process: Unfinished Business. (Book Review) In: Social Alternatives; Second Quarter 2008; 27, 2; pp. 61 – 63.

Coopes, R. (2007)
Indigenous Research: Ethics, Intellectual Property and the Role/Importance of Indigenous Researchers. Bridging the Gap between Ideas and Doing Research: Proceedings of the Inaugural Postgraduate Research conference, Faculty of Education, Health and Professional Studies, University of New England. Australian College of Educators. Deakin West, ACT.

Coopes, R. (2009)
Can Universities offer a Place of Cultural Safety for Indigenous Students? In Frawley, J., Nolan, M., and White, N. (eds) . Indigenous Issues in Australian Universities: Research, Teaching and Support, CDU Press, Darwin. Ch. 13.

Coopes, R. (2009)
Australian Aboriginal Marginalisation in Policy Making and Indigenous education: an aftermath of colonialism. Lambert Academic Press. Koln, Germany.

Davis, J.A. (2018)
Durithunga – Growing, nurturing, challenging and supporting urban Indigenous leadership in education. Unpublished PhD. Queensland University of Technology.

Davis, J.A. (2012)
Community connections in education: Community Durithunga – yarning in a circle on country, our way. In: J. Phillips, & J. Lampert (Eds.), Introductory Indigenous Studies in Education. NSW: Pearson Education Australia.

Davis-Warra, J., Dooley, K.T., & Exley, B. E. (2011)
Reflecting on the ‘Dream Circle’” Urban Indigenous education processes designed for student and community empowerment. QTU Professional magazine, 26, 19-21.

Davis, J. & Grose, S. (2008)
Which way? What happens when embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives in schools meets the professional standards for teachers and an accountability matrix? In World Indigenous Peoples’ Conference on Education 7 – 11 December 2008, Victoria, Victoria Aboriginal Education Association Inc

Exley, B., Davis, J., & Dooley, K. (2016)
Empirical reference points for Bernstein’s model of pedagogic rights: recontextualising the reconciliation agenda to Australian schooling. In Exley, B & Vitale, P (Eds.) Pedagogic rights and democratic education: Bernsteinian explorations of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. Routledge, United Kingdom, pp. 33-46.

Jackson, C., Davis, J., & Andrade, J (2018)
Designing research and evaluation for a complex system: the Stronger Approach to aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education. Australian Evaluation Society Conference 2018

Jackson, C., Davis, J., & Andrade, J. (2019)
Stories of strength: using educators’ reflections on implementing a strength-based approach to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education to understand mechanisms for change Australian Evaluation Society Conference 2019.

King, J. (2018)
I hear whispers of change in school staff rooms across the country IndigenousX The Guardian 7 Nov 2018.

Kupsch, L. (2019)
Indigenous Knowledges in STEM (SSiSTEMIK) Pathways. Welcome to Country – Integrating Indigenous Perspectives. Conference presented by HASS SA and KEMIA SA

Mills, K.A., Davis-Warra, J., Sewell, M. & Anderson, M. (2018)
Indigenous ways with literacies in an Australian primary school. In: K Safford & L. Chamberlain (Eds). Learning and Teaching Around the World: Comparative and International studies in Primary Education. Taylor and Francis

Mills, K.A., Davis-Warra, J., Sewell, M. & Anderson, M. (2016)
Indigenous ways with literacies: transgenerational, multimodal, placed, and collective. Language and Education,30(1), 1-21. United Kingdom: Routledge.

Mills, K.A., Sunderland, N., & Davis, J. (2013)
Yarning circles in the literacy classroom. The Reading Teacher, 67(4), pp.285-289.

Sarra, C. (2011a)
Strong and Smart – Towards a Pedagogy for Emancipation: Education for first peoples. Oxon, UK: Routledge.

Sarra, C. (2011b)
Transforming Indigenous Education. In: Purdie, N, Milgate, G, Bell, H.R. Two way teaching and learning: toward culturally reflective and relevant education. ACER Press, Camberwell, Vic

Sarra, C. (2010)
Stronger Smarter Approaches to Indigenous Leadership in Australia. In: Snyder, I.& Nieuwenhuysen, J. Closing the Gap in Education? Improving Outcomes in Southern World Societies. Monash University Publishing. Available online at

Sarra, C., Spillman, D., Jackson, C., Davis, J., & Bray, J. (2018)
High-Expectations Relationships: A Foundation for Enacting High Expectations in all Australian schools. The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education. First View. doi 10.1017/jie.2018.10

Simone, Nicole R. (2022)
Teachers perspectives of embedding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ histories and cultures in mathematics. Master of Philosophy thesis, Queensland University of Technology