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Introduction to Stronger Smarter Online: Multi User Licence

Purchase a Licence for your School or Organisation

The Introduction to Stronger Smarter Online Professional Learning Module presents the Stronger Smarter Approach (SSA) and examines critical elements of practice in schools working to make a difference in Indigenous education.

Multi User Licences are available for schools or organisations.  The fee is based on the number of users.

To purchase an individual licence, please register here.

Small School / Organisation

$1650Inc GST

<20 licences

Medium School/ Organisation

$3850Inc GST

>20 and <50 licences

Large School / Organisation

$6050Inc GST

>50 and <100 licences

Custom School / Organisation

$8250Inc GST

>100 licences

The development of the module was initially funded by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership and the Origin Foundation.

The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership was formed to provide national leadership for the Commonwealth, state and territory governments in promoting excellence in the profession of teaching and school leadership, with funding provided by the Australian Government.

The Origin Foundation is a philanthropic Foundation founded by Origin.  The focus of the Foundation is to support programs that use education in its widest possible definition as a pathway to a brighter future for individuals and their communities.

Get in Touch if you need more information