Talei Elu Photography © 2020

Our Footprints are




Stronger Smarter is a methodology – it’s not a bolt on – it’s a part of what I do every day. It’s deeper than just a program, it’s a process .. challenging yourself … unpacking who I was as a leader … it’s about those meaningful connections that we make with people.”

The success of the SSLP comes from a focus on transformational leadership and using Indigenous Knowledges to create a place of safety where educators can engage in a deep self-reflection to unpack any underlying assumptions or deficit thinking.

Results from our 2022 ‘Census’ signal powerful metrics which show how the Stronger Smarter Approach™ training has led to sustainable practices in transforming education for Indigenous students. Attendance, behaviour and academic improvements in schools highlight the success of these practices.




To create the most impactful shifts we must ‘hit the heart to ignite the brain’

Since launching in 2006, the flagship Stronger Smarter Leadership Program has been in constant demand as a unique, transformational and highly regarded professional development in Indigenous education. As we move into new areas … Early Years, Workplaces, Indigenous Knowledges and STEM … our participants continue to rate all our programs highly.

I can’t rate it [SSLP] highly enough. I wish every teacher would do it. (Teacher, 2018)

For me, personally it [SSLP] was life changing. I always tell people that’s where I found my courage and my voice that I still use to this day. (Aboriginal Education Worker, 2018)



We recognise that our footprints will vary depending on context, place and community. There is no 'one size fits all'. We recognise that the Stronger Smarter Approach™ is only one component of the whole picture, and we cannot necessarily expect the same results in all schools and organisations. The implementation of transformational change in schools requires a deep understanding of the local context informed by local community members.

Every SSLP participant returns to their school moving from the Personal Sphere to grow Workplace Challenges in the School and Community Spheres. These are specific to their localised, place-based community context, building collective community engagement and ensuring spaces for Indigenous voices in school visions for success.



The Institute’s footprint continues to grow. We have already reached 47% of schools in our target group (schools with lower than average ICSEA value and high number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students).

We have reached over 12% of all Australian schools.

As we have worked with educators across the country as ‘partners in change’, a small footprint in a single school or organisation becomes a larger one, and our footprints gradually spread to more communities. Program alumni are situated in schools across the country in contexts from the very remote to metropolitan and across all jurisdictions, State, Independent and Catholic

We have seen strong regional learning communities grow as schools work together to drive high expectations, build authentic relationships with students, families and local communities, and establish quality environments for learning.